We have everything you need to bring your business to life.

Template.net is the world’s largest and most diverse template library with a range of powerful tools and impressive expert-made content designed to help you start, build, grow, and manage your business.

We are platform agnostic. We create templates in all possible software so our users can easily edit using the program of their choice without learning curve.

The right templates and tools for your business all in one place

With our archive of professionally done, ready-made templates, you never have to start from scratch again.

Our Story.

It all started with a vision: to create a library of templates that provides great design and professional content. From a team of five, Template.net has grown into a large group of creatives that continue to work toward the same goal—get the world’s work done faster and smarter.

Aiding professionals since 2013, Template.net’s archive of a hundred templates evolved into hundreds of thousands.

If you are starting, building, growing, and managing your own business, we have the tools you need to get your work done and make your business more visible.

Here at Template.net, we take every day as a new opportunity to create more amazing content. We are dedicated to making the world’s work easier and done faster and smarter—one template at a time

Our Values.


We strive to provide a great user experience.

We make sure every product we put out serves its purpose—to get the task done fast and done well. We aim to create a user experience that offers satisfaction.


We embrace diversity and inclusion.

We see, accept, respect, and create solutions for all individuals who come on our website, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion.


We focus on our user’s needs and product quality.

We create templates with excellence in mind. We take our customer’s needs as a driving force to continue creating incredible content and spark meaningful experiences.

10,000,000+ Global users


With Template.net, you can

Streamline your document creation process, reduce costs, and eliminate the frustration of starting from scratch, saving you valuable time and resources.

Get high-quality documents that help standardize your business processes, streamline your workflow, and optimize your overall productivity.

Create documents that embody your brand identity, promote brand visibility & recognition across materials, elevating your professional image and increasing your overall impact.

Scale your marketing efforts with tools that promise results, build brand awareness, and increase sales.

Efficiently organize your documents and streamline your workflow, boosting your productivity and achieving optimal results in less time.

Achieve unprecedented growth and success with our platform's expertly crafted templates that enable you to build a bigger, better, and faster business enterprise.

Create professional documents that effectively convey your message, enhance your communication efforts, and elevate your brand.

Gain exclusive access to the world's largest and most diverse template library with a range of powerful design tools, all for an unbeatable price